Our Meetings, When & Where


  • SCKCB Meetings held via Zoom

    We have resumed our in person meetings, however, since there are still concerns about the COVID-19 virus, especially the ‘D’ variant, we continue to also host those meetings via Zoom. If you are unable to attend our in-person meetings, or feel that it is safer not to, you may attend via Zoom. We also continue to have weekly get-togethers on Zoom on Wednesday afternoons at 2 PM central time.

    From your computer or laptop you may attend the Zoom meetings by clicking this link.

    From your cell phone or landline the Zoom meetings can be accessed by calling (312) 626-6799 and entering 763 689 4411 as the meeting ID and 25852 as the passcode.

    We look forward to seeing you on Zoom on Wednesdays.

Our Next Meeting

  • Our Meetings

    The South Central Kentucky Council of the  Blind meets the first Sunday of even numbered months.  Our meetings are held at the Community Neighborhood Center located at 707 East Main Avenue, Bowling Green, Kentucky. Lunch is served at 1:30 and our meetings usually begin around 2:15 or so.  We would love to have you come and learn more about our 501C3 nonprofit and our members.  Got Questions?  Send us an email at info@sckcb.org.

If you need transportation to and from our meetings or if you have any questions, call Richard Lindsey, President, at 270-883-1855.

Minutes of Our Latest Meeting

  • Minutes of June, 2021 Meeting

    The regular bi-monthly meeting of the South Central Kentucky Council of the Blind was held by Zoom conference call on Wednesday, June 2, 2021. The meeting was called to order by President Richard Lindsey at 2:04 p.m. CDT. In attendance were: Teresa Escue, Eldon Kaiser, Richard Lindsey, Dianne Oliver, Mickey Quenzer, Jim Thoune and Carla B. from the Kentucky Council of the Blind.

    Richard asked Dianne to describe her recent walk-through visit to the Higgins Center for Non-Profits, as we have been invited to use their Community Room for our in-person business meetings. Dianne gave general directions to the Center, located on Collett St. in Bowling Green. She described the parking area, entryways, hallways, Community Room and seating, kitchen and restrooms, and also answered questions about access, but was unsure about a wheelchair ramp. A date and time will be arranged for a group to visit in the near future, and to check the access.

    The Treasurer’s Report was given by Jim Thoune. It included information about the different catagories of funds, along with a total ending balance as of June 2, 2021. Information was also given about new memberships, contributions, and their sources. Following a discussion, Jim noted possibilities would be investigated for increasing the rate of return on our Certificate of Deposit. We also need to clarify how to access our Zoom account. A motion was made by Eldon and seconded by Teresa that the Treasurer’s Report be approved. The membership in attendance unanimously approved the motion. Jim commented, that pursuant to our 501-C3 status, our Treasurer’s Report is a public document. Carla recommended that questions regarding the Treasurer’s Report be directed to Minnesota’s Nancy Becker to see what is generally accepted. Jim also felt that the format in which the Report is presented is confusing. If anyone has comments or questions, please contact Jim.

    In ongoing concerns about the content and arrangement of the website, it was noted that “screen readers” only allow a portion of the presented page to be visible. Mickey asked if there was some way of describing to those who are blind how the website is laid out? Michael is willing to work with us, and Richard will talk with him again.

    Discussion followed for setting a time, place and date for our first post-Covid in-person meeting. Jim suggested that we meet on a Sunday at 1:00 p.m. CDT, with lunch provided, followed by a fellowship time, then the business meeting. We will continue our weekly Zoom meetings. It was suggested that we continue to invite speakers via Zoom, as we have had better and broader participation using that format. More discussion followed.

    Carla mentioned that KCB’s Friday night “Roundabout” from 6:30 p.m. to 8:30 EDT (5:30 to 7:30 CDT) would have a presentation about the ACB Convention voting process. It would be open for questions; she strongly encouraged everyone to join in. The registration deadline for the Convention is June 28th. That fee is reimbursable, Carla noted, when you send in a copy of your registration confirmation.

    A general question was posed for consideration by all members: Would we want to consider becoming a Chapter of the Kentucky Council of the Blind?

    Dianne made a motion that the meeting be adjourned. Following a second, there were no “Nays”.

    Respectfully submitted,

    Dianne Oliver, Secretary

Archive of Previous Minutes

Archive of earlier minutes