The regularly scheduled meeting of the South Central Kentucky Council of the Blind was held by Zoom conference call on Wednesday, October 8, 2020, and called to order by President Jim Thoune at 2:08 p.m.
Seven members attended providing a quorum for conducting business: Tracy Cole, Teresa Escue, Eldon Kaiser, Richard Lindsey, Dianne Oliver, Mickey Quenzer and Jim Thoune.
The meeting was recorded. These recordings are available to members for review, if desired.
The minutes of the August meeting, having been sent to the current members, providing we have an up-to-date e-mail address on record, were approved by e-mail to the secretary. Treasurer Tracy Cole gave an abbreviated Treasurer’s Report covering each of the funds held by SCKCB. Two items had been presented for payment:
- A grant to Teresa Escue to aid in the purchase of an Orcam Eye Pro, a device worn with eyeglasses that enables the wearer to more easily navigate in his/her surroundings, along with other capabilities.
- Payment of the registration fee for Mickey Quenzer to attend the virtual conference on technology training for the blind or visually impaired.
A motion was made by Eldon and seconded by Mickey that the report be accepted. It was approved unanimously.
President Jim Thoune presented two thoughts/ideas for members to consider:
- That we give consideration as a main effort now to reach out in tangible ways to the blind and visually-impaired in Warren County and the counties directly adjacent to it. It had been mentioned by Carla, with KCB, when she talked with us in August, that we might consider narrowing our efforts in order to better reach potential and former members. We need to be thinking of concrete ways to do this by next Wednesday’s Zoom call “social” meeting.
- As we have been meeting weekly by Zoom call, we have been getting things done. How can we best communicate to our potentially larger community what has been taking place? For example, what have the speakers, that we’ve invited, shared in talking with us. We do not want to make this “summary” filled with an overwhelming amount of information, but simply give the main points. We may post this on our website? Might thre be a way to post a “coming event”, with speaker, topic and date, beforehand, to make more people aware of the opportunity to join the conversation on our Zoom call each week? How? We could also include public access information for our speakers, for example a website of phone number. Could the be done for a month an posted to our website? We want people to feel free to “stop-in” on the Zoom call. How do we incorporate this new format into our by-laws?
Mickey gave a summary of the virtual technology training conference he attended. He was pleased with the presentation which were many. He is in the process of making a list of the topics covered, and hopes to send this out to the current members. They can then respond, giving him an idea of what to “save” and what the members want to know more about.
Finally, Jim will meet by Zoom call on October 9, at 3:00 p.m., to further discuss concrete plans for outreach.
A motion to adjourn the meeting was made by Dianne and seconded by Teresa. No one opposed and the meeting adjourned shortly after 3:00 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Dianne Oliver