Contribution Form
The SCKCB is a non-profit, fully tax deductible, 501(C)(3) organization. All contributions support our mission. We pay no salaries to any of our officers. All contributions are appreciated no matter how large or small. We use all of the financial support we receive to fund our grant program, our scholarship program, to fund our public awareness campaign and the many other programs and activities of the SCKCB and ACB.
Complete the following information form then click the Paypal Donate button at the bottom of the page. If you would prefer, though, you may also print the form out and return it to our SCKCB Treasurer, Jim Thoune, along with your check for whatever amount you can afford. Make all checks out to the SCKCB, and mail your contribution to:
Jim Thoune, SCKCB TreasurerSCKCB
1652 Media Drive
Bowling Green, KY 42101